Omelet with Gooseberries Recipe

Omelet with gooseberries Recipe - Brazier. Detail of a painting by Willem Kalf (1622-1693) This recipe for omelet (tasey) sits at the edge of what we might call the culinary Ages. It comes from the Seer excel equivalents gheexperimenteerden new ones Coc-boeck that Dordrecht doctor Charles Income (Carolus Battus) as an appendix to the second edition of his translation of new Artzney Ein Buch (Heidelberg, 1568) of the German Christopher Wirsung (1500-1571) published in 1593. Batt displays various omelette recipes, spierinkjes with apple or pear, and this recipe with gooseberries. The use of ginger, sugar and cinnamon is medieval. Pink Water can also come across a few medieval recipes, but in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries it was a very popular seasoning. The line between sweet and savory was it clear at this time, but still you could get a sweet dish like this also simultaneously serve with meat or fish dishes. In a modern menu this sweet omelet is a dessert.

Subtle coal fire
The coal fire which is mentioned in the recipe is the 'sudderpitje "of the medieval kitchen with open fire. Coal fire produces less smoke than wood fire, and it's more manageable. More subtle the brazier was a perforated ceramic or metal bowl on legs where some burning coals were laid in, the pot or pan was put on the brazier, and the court could be finished without burning or warm.
Omelet with Gooseberries Recipe
Omelet with Gooseberries Recipe
The original recipe
The Coc-boeck Karel Baten exists no modern print edition, but the Marleen Willebrands site contains a transcription.

To backen a tasey of stekelbesyen.
Neempt fresh butter income smeltse at a time. Doeter than soo many stekelbesyen in datse bycans two vyngeren hooch are income laetse with butter have weynich Sieden lost to datse maer right Coleur them. Clopt or Cleyn 7, 8, 9 or too Eggs with what gengeber income which rose waters. Gietet tsamen the besyen income latet so a coolvyer backen not and burned. If tasey is genoech gebacken, so laetse properlick uut the pan in the dish Rijsen datse and not be broken. Then stroyter suycker Caneel income on income dientse. To bake an omelet of gooseberries.

Take fresh butter and melt in a pan. Then add as many gooseberries in that they are high almost two fingers. Leave them with a little butter simmer until they have just lost their color. Klop than 7, 8 or 9 on the eggs with a little pink ginger and water. Pour together over the gooseberries, and let it bake on a coal fire that does not burn. Late, the omelette is cooked, these neatly slide out of the pan into the dish so they do not break. Then sprinkle sugar and cinnamon, and serve.

Modern adaptation of the recipe Print the recipe on this page.
Compared to the recipes from the Viandier this is easy. But the result is just as tasty. Gooseberries are from June, so this is really a recipe for early summer. As they are easy to get, whether you gooseberries in your garden, you can freeze them, so you can prepare this fresh omelette offseason. Another Middle recipe with gooseberries for grilled mackerel with gooseberry sauce. There is also more information on gooseberries in.
Appetizer or dessert for four people; Preparation time 10 minutes; cooking time 10 minutes.

Kruibessenomelet Charles Income Ingredients

  • 250 grams gooseberries
  • 30 grams of butter
  • 3 eggs1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 tablespoon rose water
  • Together 1 teaspoon powdered sugar and cinnamon
  • Optionally additional sugar


Wash the gooseberries, remove any incitement stem and crowns.
Beat the eggs with ginger powder and rose water.
Experiment a gooseberry. The fruits very acidic, then you should do a spoonful of sugar to the egg mixture.


Melt the butter in a not too large skillet, butter does not discolor. Put the gooseberries there, make sure they cover the whole ground. Spoon the gooseberries on low heat occasionally, until they become soft and lose their fresh color (three minutes). Pour the egg mixture into the pan, put a lid on it, and heat over medium heat until the eggs are set. Slide the omelet gently on a flat plate, and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.


Cut the hot omelette in points.

IngredientsAll statements of ingredients

Gooseberries - gooseberries (Ribes grossularia) are only grown since the thirteenth century, at that time they were only found in the wild. In the north of France gooseberry sauce was a classic accompaniment to mackerel (the French name for gooseberry is therefore groseille maquereau either makreelbes).

In the nineteenth century some thought to the Dutch name gooseberry had the Holy Cross Finding on 3 May. But the medieval names stekelbesij and kroeselbesij (gooseberry which is a variant) indicate that the spiky hairs on the bay that this fruit its Dutch name have gegegeven.

Rose water - indeed water scented with rose petals. In modern Western cuisine it is not used much anymore (except for example in marzipan), but it was appreciated in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (like orange blossom water). In the Middle East and India, it is still widely used, especially in desserts and other sweet treats.

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