Royal Icing is perfect for making simple decorations on your cookies. This is made from softly beaten egg whites, sugar and lemon juice.I have tried my simple decorations on Valentines Day cookies using this icing. I am doing icing  for the first time. If you love decorations, do try this simple icing on your cookies.
Preparation time : 20 minutes
Serves : 20 cookies icing

Egg Whites - 2
lemon Juice - 2 tsp
Confectioners sugar - 3 cups
Food color - pinch (optional)
Water - approximately 4 to 5 tbsp

  • In large bowl beat egg whites and lemon juice until frothy.
  • Add confectioners sugar and beat until mixture forms peaks. you can add the water at this point. 1 tbsp at time is better(The proper consistency is when you lift the beater icing that falls onto the bowl will remain for few seconds and disappear)
  • Add food color if desired. this process is done in 5 to 7 minutes. If you find that icing is too hard then add little water
  • Transfer the icing to pastry bag or Ziploc and ice as desired. If you are not using this icing make sure that you cover it with plastic wrap immediately.
  • Icing is ready. decorate your cookies. let it dry for bout 8 hours and then enjoy.

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